Saturday, April 21, 2007

My first drop off!

78 degrees Fahrenheit (so says my dashboard widget)
3:50 pm
Holton and Hoyt, St. Paul, 55108

Stopped at Anchor Paper for some special paper for the Bombay Transitions project that I'm working on, then to Target for $79 of necessities (really, i'm serious. Toiletries add up!) Decided after trying to email and call Julie (Julie, answer your email for cryin outloud! Do you think you get the weekends off? ;)) I decided to trust GoogleMaps and find her house myself. Rang the bell, dog barked, decided to leave the package in the front door, old school delivery style. Remember when people used to visit other people unexpectedly? What happened to just 'dropping by'? I think it's great. I'm going to try to do it more often . . . so what if people aren't home? :)

Find the drop off location on the Flickr map. I should've taken a photo of the package in the door. Whoops, next time.

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